Geoff Bingham, a dear friend and mentor, a teacher and encourager in the great grace of God, died early on Wednesday morning and entered the joy of the Lord.
I came to know Geoff through his ministry with university students when I was a young and woolly student at Adelaide University. I had only recently become a believer in Christ, and I wonder now how much of that was of God. Certainly as Geoff taught the grace of God in those days I found myself swinging between two opinions - why does he teach such obvious things? and why does he teach such obscure things? I needed still to discover the secret of the Father's sovereign grace in Jesus Christ. For all my confusion about Geoff's teaching, I found that there was something inescapably compelling about what he brought from the Scriptures.
Through Geoff, and through those who had learned from him, the day came when the truth of God's Fatherhood broke in upon me like a river of flooding love. I came to know that the grace of salvation was in the Father's heart and initiative, and not something forced upon Him by a loving Jesus. It changed my whole life.
Liz and I spent the early days of married life travelling nearly every Saturday morning to hear Geoff teach at the New Creation Teaching Centre. Geoff saw our family grow, and saw us grow as we learned something of being parents. We learned from him that even our family life has to be subordinated to the kingdom of God, and that we must not make an idol of family. At times, this learning seemed to be imparted fiercely, but we know that Geoff has loved us even when it seemed he was strong in his approach to us. Liz and I compared notes today and agreed that quite likely without Geoff's teaching and ministry our marriage may not have lasted the stresses and strains of sin that has had its play in our lives. The grace of God, which we found in his opening of the Scriptures, has been the rock of our lives.
Geoff always wore his heart on his sleeve. He was an unfeigned man. The Geoff you knew was the Geoff with all his warts and wonders. He could be so because he knew that he was a sinner justified freely by the grace of God in Christ.
At one New Creation Ministry School Geoff gave a study on the ministry of encouragement. It was the last study of the school and the culmination of all that had been taught over the week. I was moved to the depths of my being by Geoff's study, and wept and wept for the beauty of the Lord, the glory of His grace, the love of the Father, the kindness of God for the salvation of the world. I simply could not stop the flow of tears of joy that came from the goodness of the Gospel. Geoff was one of only a couple of people who seemed to understand what was happening in me.
Geoff and Laurel have been encouragers and supporters of Liz and me in our ministry. He has helped in the parish at Largs, visiting to preach. He was available for me to come and to talk through the things that were on my heart, and also to bring to me things that I needed to think through. He prayed for me, and cared for me.
I have learned from Geoff how important it is to exercise faithfulness in friendship, and to give to those from whom you receive. A giant of a man like Geoff, towering in his ability, energy and self-control, is one from who I gladly received. I failed to see for too long just how much there is reciprocity in all human relationships, and how much friendship which expresses itself to others in their needs, and seeks to understand their needs, is the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is in fact an expression of the life of God among us.
Geoff's poetry made a large impact on me, and perhaps his simplest and most profound poem, Angel Wings is the best way for me to wind up these personal reflections which could go on for so much longer.
Liz and I spent the early days of married life travelling nearly every Saturday morning to hear Geoff teach at the New Creation Teaching Centre. Geoff saw our family grow, and saw us grow as we learned something of being parents. We learned from him that even our family life has to be subordinated to the kingdom of God, and that we must not make an idol of family. At times, this learning seemed to be imparted fiercely, but we know that Geoff has loved us even when it seemed he was strong in his approach to us. Liz and I compared notes today and agreed that quite likely without Geoff's teaching and ministry our marriage may not have lasted the stresses and strains of sin that has had its play in our lives. The grace of God, which we found in his opening of the Scriptures, has been the rock of our lives.
Geoff always wore his heart on his sleeve. He was an unfeigned man. The Geoff you knew was the Geoff with all his warts and wonders. He could be so because he knew that he was a sinner justified freely by the grace of God in Christ.
At one New Creation Ministry School Geoff gave a study on the ministry of encouragement. It was the last study of the school and the culmination of all that had been taught over the week. I was moved to the depths of my being by Geoff's study, and wept and wept for the beauty of the Lord, the glory of His grace, the love of the Father, the kindness of God for the salvation of the world. I simply could not stop the flow of tears of joy that came from the goodness of the Gospel. Geoff was one of only a couple of people who seemed to understand what was happening in me.
Geoff and Laurel have been encouragers and supporters of Liz and me in our ministry. He has helped in the parish at Largs, visiting to preach. He was available for me to come and to talk through the things that were on my heart, and also to bring to me things that I needed to think through. He prayed for me, and cared for me.
I have learned from Geoff how important it is to exercise faithfulness in friendship, and to give to those from whom you receive. A giant of a man like Geoff, towering in his ability, energy and self-control, is one from who I gladly received. I failed to see for too long just how much there is reciprocity in all human relationships, and how much friendship which expresses itself to others in their needs, and seeks to understand their needs, is the gift of the Holy Spirit, and is in fact an expression of the life of God among us.
Geoff's poetry made a large impact on me, and perhaps his simplest and most profound poem, Angel Wings is the best way for me to wind up these personal reflections which could go on for so much longer.
Angel wings, beating my face,
Forcing me into grace.
Dear eyes, loving my soul,
Drawing me to the goal.
Strong word, piercing my brain,
Bringing me holy shame.
Pain's cry welling within,
Lifting me up from sin.
Red hands, clotted with blood,
Thrusting me up to God.
Angel wings, beating my face,
Forcing me into grace.
Forcing me into grace.
Dear eyes, loving my soul,
Drawing me to the goal.
Strong word, piercing my brain,
Bringing me holy shame.
Pain's cry welling within,
Lifting me up from sin.
Red hands, clotted with blood,
Thrusting me up to God.
Angel wings, beating my face,
Forcing me into grace.

1 comment:
I don't think we'll ever, in this life at least, know the full impact of Geoff's ministry throughout the world. I know I personally am indebted to God's work through him directly, and then in turn though the people who he has taught who have then taught me.
All praise and glory be to God our Father.
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