Thursday, August 18, 2011

Virtuous Ambition

On the whole, ambition has much about it that is dangerous, corrupting, selfish and sinful. But wanting something is a very important Christian virtue. It is the corruption of desire and ambition that is the problem, not desire and ambition in themselves.

If sacrifice is to make any sense, if laying a thing down in honour and praise of God actually means anything, there must be desire and ambition at the start. If what we give away or give up is actually gift, and expresses self-denial in love for another, then there must be desire or ambition to begin. A gift that means nothing to us to give is no act of love.

Positively, ambition and desire lie at the heart of loving the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. Passivity, nonchalance, indifference are hardly the ideas that come to mind with that command! Instead there is the anticipation that the whole of life is seen as the arena in which we seek to glorify and praise Him as largely as we can. Great ambition!—to make God's glory as clearly seen as possible. This isn't necessarily best done by a false humility that glories in our being "nothing". Rather, the glory of God is a man or a woman fully alive!

Paul urged Timothy with a motto for life, one that he wanted Timothy to pass on to the congregation in his care. "This is a trustworthy saying: whoever desires to be an overseer desires a noble work." The saying is encouraging and cautionary. The desiring that Paul speaks of is eager, keen, longing. The desiring to be an overseer (Gk: episkopos) is not for a position but a work. Sinful ambition seeks position; godly ambition seeks to be as useful to God and His people as possible.

[Here is some teaching I recently gave on this topic.]


Anonymous said...

Great words. Helpful distinctions. Thank you.


Ralph Gilbert said...

You are spot on, Andrew. History is full of men and women who were great achievers. On the pagan side we have Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler—all warmongers! On the plus side, Alexander, while conquering the whole of then known world, deposited Greek culture wherever he went, while Napoleon's chief legacy was the outstanding legal corpus, the Code Napoléon, still in use today. As for Christians, the list abounds: Paul the Apostle, Athanasius, Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, etc. In modern times we have the pioneering missionary William Carey whose famous motto is oozes ambition: 'Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God'. And finally, Geoffrey Bingham. His poem 'Today I Leap Over Mountains' is a reflection of his godly life and the pious ambition he expended for the sake of the gospel over his long life.